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A Warm welcome awaits at Woodacre B&B from Kevin, Sue & their two Golden Retrievers.
Located between Fontwell, Walberton & Slindon and within close proximity to the South Downs National Park makes Woodacre B&B an ideal place to stay whilst exploring the surrounding area of West Sussex.
Where ever you wish to explore there is plenty to see, from the local country side, the local coast line and beaches or West Sussex towns and villages to visit - Arundel, Houghton, Amberley, Walberton, Slindon Madehurst, Goodwood, Chichester, Wittering, Bognor Regis, Littlehampton to name a few.
Woodacre B&B is set in an acre of mature garden, where guests can sit and relax either planning their day or rest at the end of the day. Our two Golden Retrievers love spending time in the garden with guests too!