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Woodcombe Lodges and Cottages is a family business providing top quality Self Catering Holiday Cottages & lodges in Exmoor. We are a small site with six Lodges and two cottages set in 3 acres of gardens.
The lodges and cottages are down a quiet country lane and enjoy magnificent views over the slopes of the Exmoor National Park. Woodcombe Lodges is a short, five minute drive or a 20 minute walk to the shops pubs and restaurants of Minehead with its beach and seafront beyond.
The Lodges accommodate between four and ten people and the cottages between two and five people.
Bookings are for seven nights with short breaks available between 14th April to 22nd May and 28th October to 21st December.
Dogs are welcome in the Lodges.
Three of the lodges are accessible with mobility ratings of M1 or M2. For more information on accessibility visit Access Statement | Woodcombe Lodges