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Woodlands Retreat B&B is located in the heart of the South Downs National Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty, and ideally situated for exploring the beautiful South Downs Way.
Cyclists and walkers can enjoy many country roads, footpaths and bridleways, with Woodlands Retreat only a stone's throw from the popular Butser Hill and Queen Elizabeth Country Park.
A less than one minute walk takes you through the door of a beautiful country pub, The Bat & Ball, reputedly home of British cricket.
Venture just a couple of miles down the road and you'll discover Hambledon Vineyard - England's oldest commercial vineyard, where visitors can experience wine tours and events.
And Woodlands Retreat is also only 30 minutes from the Goodwood Motor Circuit, which hosts the iconic Goodwood Revival, and Goodwood Racecourse, venue for the ever-popular 'Glorious Goodwood'. The estate also plays host to the world-renowned Festival of Speed.
Woodlands Retreat is also a perfect place to stay if you're in the area on business - with Portsmouth only 20 minutes away and Guildford a 40-minute journey.