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Wren Cottage - Sleeps 2.
Wren Cottage is great for catching the early morning sun which many people enjoy. It has a good sized sitting/dining area with an open plan kitchen. Upstairs the bedroom can have either a double or twin beds. There is an en suite bathroom with over bath shower, WC and hand basin.
This cottage can be joined to Blue Tit Cottage for a larger family gathering. Wren Cottage has a level entry front door and parking is a few metres from the front door.
Awarded 4-star Gold by VisitEngland.
Total flexibility on your arrival and departure days.
Short breaks available.
Free WiFi.
Widescreen TV and DVD player.
Spacious cottage designed to give maximum possible access for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.
Wren Cottage has a stairlift.
Prices include all linen, towels and heating costs.
Quality ‘welcome pack