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You are assured of a warm welcome at our Victorian guest house situated in its own gardens, one of the very few in the area with private off road parking.
Over the years the charming building has been tastefully modernised to provide clean and comfortable accommodation whilst still retaining many of its original features.
Our room features include a hospitality tray with a selection of hot beverages, flat screen digital TV with freeview, free WiFi and toiletries.
We are within 10 minutes of the Channel Tunnel and 15 minutes to the Dover ferries, making it ideal for anyone requiring a break in their journey. The town centre with its restaurants, bars and clubs and the Leas Cliff Hall are only a short stroll away and the seafront, leas coastal park, children's play area and picturesque harbour are also within easy reach.
So many beautiful, exciting and interesting places are also within easy reach by car, train or bus: the cathedral city of Canterbury and its unique world heritage site attractions, Dover, the medieval town of Rye, Leeds Castle, wildlife parks, miniature railways, stately homes and glorious gardens are just some of the attractions. The north downs with its rolling hills and pretty villages are on the outskirts of Folkestone.
We welcome families, well behaved pets for a small additional charge and motorbikes, which can be parked safely away from the main car park.