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If you're looking for quality and comfort in a warm inviting setting then look no further than the Wykeham arms. Situated between Winchester Cathedral and the famous 14th century college the inn retains its relatively useful 18th-century charm with modern facilities, luxurious and stylish furnishings and the level of service that is second to none.
Dining at the award winning Wykeham arms you will be treated to a range of top quality dishes using locally sourced Hampshire ingredients. Our extensive wine list offers hand-picked wines from around the world and of course we have a range of fine local ales available too. Our delightful Wykeham function room can seat up to 25 people and is perfect for buffet or sit down meals and small business meetings.
If your visit extends beyond a fantastic meal and you'd like somewhere to rest your head, any of our 14 bedrooms will provide you with a real home from an experience. With fine linen, luxurious beds and Victorian roll top baths stay at The Wykeham arms becomes a memorable experience. Some of our 14 bedrooms even feature four-poster beds, while the beautiful Bakehouse suite with its mezzanine level bedroom has separate living room and access to a wonderful secret garden.