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Nestled in the rural hamlet and valley of Harescombe, originally two Cotswold Stone farm cottages built in 1882. Within a short walking distance of the Cotswold Way, our Bed and Breakfast is ideal for anyone walking the Cotswold way and looking for comfortable, warm, affordable accommodation.
The area is renowned for its country charm and tranquillity, steeped in history stretching back to the English civil war and beyond. Within the village stands the 13th Century St. John the Baptist Church, which boasted the oldest church bell in Gloucestershire. A grade II* listed building, with its table-top tombs and unique civil war graffiti dating back to the 1600s. Across the valley, is the famous Cotswold Way trail providing panoramic views from Haresfield Beacon over the Severn Valley and beyond to the Black Mountains.
Ideal for weary Cotswold Way walkers, muddy boots and bikes. Stunning circular walks also make us an ideal weekend place to stay.
The famous Saturday Farmer's Market in Stroud 3.5miles.
Your Ideal Country Hideaway
Explore Painswick: pretty winding streets, Art gallery, shops, Rococo Gardens and hill top Fort with views across the River Severn to Wales.
Roman and spa towns of Cirencester and Cheltenham are nearby within a short drive.
Gloucester Quays retail outlet and the world famous Gloucester Cathedral with its more recent Harry Potter connection are both within a short 10 minute drive.