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Situated in beautiful upper Wensleydale, the Youth Hostel is just a couple of minutes walk from the centre of Hawes, England's highest market town. There are great walking and cycling routes straight from the door and this part of the Yorkshire Dales is particularly rich in waterfalls, including Hawdraw Force, England's largest single drop waterfall. Red squirrels can be seen in their natural habitat on the Red Squirrel trail. In addition to the natural beauty of the Yorkshire Dales, local attractions include the famous Wensleydale Creamery visitor centre, home of Real Yorkshire Wensleydale Cheese. Learn more about life in the Dales at the Dales Country Museum with exhibitions, talks and activities all year round. Gayle Mill, the restored 19th century water powered saw mill, has guided tours and workshops. Watch traditional rope making at the Ropemakers. Nearby there are the Wensleydale and the Settle to Carlisle railways, Bolton and Middleham Castle, and the unique Forbidden Corner.
FREE WI-FI available in communal areas for guests!