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YHA South Downs is a refurbished Sussex farmhouse and barn buildings in an enviable location right on the South Downs Way, just a short stroll along a country lane from Southease Railway station. Surrounded by the rolling hills of the South Downs National Park, the site stands in extensive grounds, ideal for exploring by experienced or budding naturalists – or just a place to relax and unwind.
YHA South Downs at a glance:
£3 million renovation
On the South Downs Way
Situated on an idyllic farmstead
Fully licensed bar
Brand new café
A total of 66 beds
It’s a great base for cheap family breaks close to traditional Sussex towns such as Lewes or Newhaven, which also has ferry connections with continental Europe. The culture of Brighton is also not far away and the great outdoors of the South Downs National Park is right on your doorstep.