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Yomer Wood is a beautiful, peaceful wood offering a place to pitch your tent in the old fashioned way right by the stunning North Devon coast. Almost wild, your pitch will be free of human neighbours - however, badgers, foxes, deer and the like may well drop by! You will have the freedom to cook on an open fire, paddle in the streams and pond and just enjoy the peace listening to the birdsong.
Facilities are minimal - a compost loo, an area for pot washing, and a bracing stream for a shower. There are just a few small cleared areas in different parts of the woodland. suitable to pitch your tent, so there are rarely many in the woods and you may be on your own. There is a nice covered area for having a fire and you are welcome to gather firewood from the woodland floor. Although there's parking down by the pub and beach (10-15 mins walk), there's no parking right next to the site so you'll need to carry your tent with you. Walkers and cyclists are particularly welcome! You will of course need a torch! There is a neighbouring farm/holiday cottage centre which has a small shop and cafe in season - so you may be able to wander up and get some provisions if you time it right.
We can be found in a lovely little village called Lee, on the North Devon coastal path between Woolacombe and Ilfracombe. We are about a 10 minute stroll up the valley from the beach - which takes you past The Grampus Inn, our lively local pub where you may fancy some refreshment.
Rates: are £7.50 per aldult per night and £4.00 for under 15's. The whole site is available to book exclusively for £75.00 per night to parties of up to 10 adults - please have a look at our website and send us a message if you're interested!