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York Meadows Caravan Park at Sheriff Hutton is set in an idyllic location surrounded by rolling farmland, nestled in the stunning and tranquil splendour of the Howardian Hills and Vale of York.
Situated in the perfect area to explore the hustle and bustle of the Historic City of York, or perhaps one of the greatest private residences in Britain, Castle Howard Statley Home just 5 miles from the parK. Not to mention the Coastal areas which have something to offer all the family, or get away from it all and get back to nature, exploring the North Yorkshire Moors full of magnificent scenery. With a network of public footpaths to explore such as the Ebor Way, Yorkshire Wolds Way, and Centenary Way, this is a truly sesational area to discover, full of outstanding natural beauty, offering unforgettable walks.
The Park is set on the outskirts of Sheriff Hutton. Sheriff Hutton is a village full of character with the Castle Ruins dominating the village skyline. The Castel has links with numerous people including Richard III. The village is a short walk away from the park, maning there is easy access to pubs and shops.
York Meadows Caravan Park is open 1st March - 31st October. Tucked away along a private lane, it offers hard standing, grass and super pitches for Motorhomes/Touring/Tents and Seasonal Caravans. The park has an exclusive area of Holiday Homes for Sale, both new and used.