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Tudor House was purpose built in the 17th century as a coaching inn to serve the Ludlow to London route. It has been extended and adapted over the years but still retains original features and architectural flourishes reflecting trends of the passing eras. The house has been through many phases. It has served as a farmstead and a private residence. For 80 years, it was the headquarters for H.W Keil Ltd, a renowned leading dealers in antique furniture. It is now one of the only 17th century buildings in Broadway that you can see inside and explore. Since 2013 it has been home to Broadway Museum and Art Gallery.
The Museum explores the history of the town and tells the story of it’s success through the wool trade and the popularity of the town with travellers and artists. The unique collection includes paintings, porcelain and artefacts curated by the Ashmolean in Oxford, and the furniture has been selected from the Keil’s Antiques Collection. The local exhibits are ever evolving.
February-October : Tuesday – Saturday 10.00-5.00 (last entry 4.30)
October-December : Tuesday - Saturday 10.00-4.00 (last entry 3.30)
Open Bank Holiday Mondays
Booked Group Tours only on Sundays
Adult £5.00
Family £10.00
Child £2.00 (under 5’s free)
Gift Aid your admission fee and receive free return entry for 12 months