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A stone, known locally as the Burderop Stone, with plaques dedicated to Swindon-born writers Richard Jefferies (1848-1887) and Alfred Williams (1877-1930). Both were inspired by the countryside around Swindon and Jefferies is regarded by some as the first-ever nature writer.
The plaque reads an extract from Jefferies' work: 'It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it. It is about me and the sunshine.'
The plaque dedicated to Williams offers further poetry: 'Still to find and still to follow, Joy in every hill and hollow, Company in solitude'.
The stone stands on a hillside in a field grazed by cattle.
It is accessed by a stile off the road to Barbury Castle. It is Open Access Land.
Discover more about the Burderop Stone through the Ridgeway Top 50 Stone Stories, Sarsen Stones and Famous Writers.