View over the reservoir

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The Llyn Clywedog is a man made reservoir formed by the construction of the Clywedog Dam. The lake has a surface area of 615 acres (230 football pitches), is 216 ft deep at its maximum depth and stretches in all a distance of some six miles.

Glyndŵr's Way passes beneath the dam before pursuing a course along the southern shore of the lake. Rare wildlife can be seen each step along the way, with red kites and buzzards often spotted riding the thermals. The woodland and clear mountain streams are also a fantastic place to investigate for any budding explorers. 

At the viewing area situated above the dam, Severn Trent have created the Look Out, an elevated platform sheltered from the elements, from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding country.

Visit the LLANI website to find out more about the reservoir and the Severn Trent website for information on visiting it.

Attraction details

Llyn Clywedog, Powys, UK