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Dartmoor is beautiful, wild, and full of incredible places to explore. The granite that forms it was produced, in the depths of the earth, over 300 million years ago, and humankind has shaped it over the last 10,000 years. Together, they have made Dartmoor into a wonderful landscape, full of varied habitats, from wooded valleys and haymeadows to magnificent mires and the wild open moor.
We recommend starting your trip on Dartmoor by visiting one of award winning Visitor Centres. The friendly and knowledgeable, local staff can assist with making the most of your time on Dartmoor.
We welcome visitors from overseas and can provide some general information in French and German.
Wide, spectacular open vistas are a Dartmoor specialty but there is so much more to do here! Whether it’s a gentle stroll, an exhilarating mountain bike ride or a visit to a castle- discover walking options, activities and locations on your Dartmoor doorstep.
With so much to see and do you will want to spend more time here. To book accommodation or find a good place to eat see Visit Dartmoor
There are two important things you need to check when planning a visit to Dartmoor:
Please check the weather forecast before you set off. Dartmoor is known for its changeable weather. It can rain quite a lot and the mist can descend very quickly, reducing visibility.
We advise you to bring with you a waterproof jacket, a warm layer of clothing, sturdy boots and an Ordnance Survey map of Dartmoor (OL28).
Military live firing times
Did you know that the northern part of Dartmoor is used by the military for its live firing practice?
The Ministry of Defence has 3 range training areas at Okehampton, Merrivale and Willsworthy (the boundaries of the Range Danger Areas are marked on the ground by a series of red and white posts).
The public has access to these moorland areas except when the ranges are in use for live firing. If you do see a red flag flying by day or red lamps at night, do not enter the area as this means live firing is happening.
Please look on their website for details of live firing times and avoid the area on those dates.