Feel our voice sculpture
Feel our voice sculpture
Feel our voice sculpture

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Starting from the artist’s own short pilgrimage to the site, exploring the walk through psychogeographical techniques to map the sensory journey, Kezia also explored how visitors experience rest and contemplation. Creating a bench made from laser-cut/CNC router-cut slices of wood from recycled apple crates from local Rickard’s farm, that formed the “ribs” of the work, which were slid onto a spine to hold the sectioned pieces together.

The parametric design enables light to filter through the piece and creates a visual ripple as the visitor walks past ensuring the work sits within and gently interacts with the view itself, the contours of the bench mirror words spoken by local people, words that they would say to someone sitting on the bench whilst looking at the panoramic view of farmland, orchards, Farmhouses & Oast Houses, fruit crops, hop bines and the Stour Valley.

Attraction details

Chilham, Ashford, Kent, England, CT4 8BA, United Kingdom