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Filey Brigg is a long, low headland jutting far out into Filey Bay. The rocky promontory is heavily capped with glacial clays and is a haven for both geologists and ornithologists. The fossiliferous limestones and grits dip at a steep angle under the Brigg giving the north and south sides a very different appearance.
Protruding eastwards into the North Sea the Brigg is an ideal place for watching passing seabirds and waders while the adjacent cliff top fields and ponds provide a differing habitat for other species.
On the Brigg you will see a stone sculpture. This marks the end of two National Trails. The Cleveland Way from Helmsley to Filey and the Yorkshire Wolds Way from Hessle (near Hull) to Filey. The sculpture gives the names of places along each trail and also a carving of the distinctive National Trail acorn.