Daffodils - Helmsley in spring
Helmsley market place

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Helmsley is the starting point for the Cleveland Way. A delightful market town centred around a square, with plenty of pubs, cafes and shops to interest the visitor. Helmsley Castle and Duncombe Park are all welcome distractions for the Cleveland Way walker.

Only a mile across, historical Helmsley has lots to keep the visitor entranced for a day's visit or more. There are cosy pubs, fine dining restaurants with Michelin starred chefs and plenty of boutique, book and speciality shops overlooking the square and its ancient cross.

Helmsley Castle, with its long and exciting history, is definitely worth a visit. The castle dates back to the 12th century, since which time it has evolved from a medieval fortress to a Tudor Manor House before falling into ruin. It is now managed by English Heritage and there are exhibitions, tours and activities to enjoy.

The Helmsley Walled Garden, built in 1756, has undergone extensive restoration works and now provides a fully working kitchen garden. Much of what is grown in the garden is available to buy including plants, vegetables, herbs and fruits.

The International Centre for Birds of Prey at Duncombe Park is home to a wide range of rare and endangered species, including snowy owls, peregrine falcons and golden eagles, set amidst 300 acres of parkland. During your visit you will see a large collection of exotic and spectacular birds of prey. There will be three flying demonstrations every day and very often, there will be opportunities to see the birds being trained on the flying field.

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