Durdle Door on the South West Coast Path

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The Dorset and East Devon Coast World Heritage Site is England's first natural World Heritage Site - it is known as The Jurassic Coast. It covers 95 miles of truly stunning coastline from East Devon to Dorset, with rocks recording 185 million years of the Earth's history.

The Coast itself has been carved over thousands of years by ice ages and changes in sea level. The result is a truly spectacular landscape containing a story spanning millions of years of the Earth's history. 

Durdle Door is an iconic landmark on the 90 mile long Jurassic Coast World Heritage, where you walk through 165 million years of geological wonders. This rock arch in the sea was formed as a result of the softer rocks being eroded away behind the hard limestones, allowing the sea to punch through them. The name Durdle is derived from an Old English word 'thirl' meaning bore or drill. Eventually the arch will collapse to leave a sea stack such as those that can be seen at Ladram Bay in East Devon.

Attraction details

Durdle Door Park Entrance, Britwell Drive, West Lulworth, Dorset, South West England, England, BH20 5RS, United Kingdom