Lowbury Hill trig point

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Hilltop offering far-reaching views with trig point and faint earthworks of a Roman enclosure and Anglo-Saxon round barrow.

Permissive access on foot only - enter field through pedestrian gate off byway to the east. Access is subject to landowner permission so it may be withdrawn at any time - please show respect to the site and report metal detecting to the police. Suggested parking is in nearby villages such as Aldworth or Aston Tirrold.

Items found at Lowbury Hill, including 'Lowbury Warrior', are on display in the Anglo-Saxon gallery at the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock.

Discover more about Lowbury Hill through the Ridgeway Top 50 Swords and Hoards, Viewpoints and Views, King Alfred the Great and Barrows and Bumps.

Attraction details

Lowbury Hill, near Aston Tirrold, Oxfordshire