Malham Cove
Malham Cove

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Malham Cove is a huge curving amphitheatre shaped cliff formation of limestone rock. The vertical face of the cliff is about 260 feet high. The top of the cove is a large area of deeply eroded limestone pavement, of a strange pattern rarely seen in England. The majesty of Malham Cove looks out over the village of Malham and has been attracting visitors for centuries.

Malham Cove is a short walk from the public car park in the village. Walk along the road and then a surfaced path across fields to the bottom of the cove for a great view. A further scramble over rocks takes you to the very base of the cove and the emergence of a river at its base.

If you continue to follow the Pennine Way you will find a set of stone steps up the left hand side of the cove which will take you up onto the limestone pavement at the top for stunning views over Malhamdale and beyond.

There are two circular walks that take in the base and top of Malham Cove. A longer circular walk including Malham Tarn and Gordale Scar. Or the walk can be shortened by missing out Malham Tarn and following the Malham Landscape Trail - you can find out more and download details on the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority's website.

Attraction details

Malham, North Yorkshire BD23, UK