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The Minack Theatre is Cornwall's world famous open-air theatre perched on the cliffs high above the Atlantic ocean.
The idea for the theatre was born when Rowena Cade, who lived in Minack House at the top of the cliff, decided to create a place for local drama enthusiasts to perform Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Over the winter of 1931 and into 1932 Rowena and her gardener, Billy Rawlings, moved endless granite boulders and earth, creating the stage and the lower terraces of the theatre, in the same place as you see them today. The first performance was in August 1932.
The Summer Season of theatre runs from May to September presenting drama, musicals and opera in this most dramatic of settings.
Visit by day and explore this world famous open-air theatre created from a cliffside at Porthcurno by Rowena Cade. There is free parking at the venue.
The sub-tropical gardens have become an established favourite, especially for gardeners with a taste for the exotic. The succulent plants thrive on the open cliffside providing an added dash of colour to the Minack all year round.