iew of the golf course and beach at Sandilands, Lincolnshire
Sun rising over the beach at Sandilands, Lincolnshire
The beach at Sandilands, Lincolnshire

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The National Trust is embarking on an exciting new project to transform the former golf course at Sandilands to create a year-round nature experience for everyone.

Working in partnership with the Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park, National Trust plans to create new habitat for a variety of wildlife, especially migrating birds such as black-tailed godwit, spotted redshank and spoonbills, along with breeding birds like snipe, lapwings and oystercatchers.

The vision for this new reserve is to provide a space where everyone can enjoy the benefits of being in nature. The Lincolnshire coast is one of the most important stretches of the English coastline for wildlife as a stop-over on the ‘fly-way’ migration route. National Trust plan to create an amazing place for people to immerse themselves in nature and really connect with the wonders the Lincolnshire coast has to offer.

Attraction details

National Trust Sandilands , Huttoft Bank, nr Sutton-on-Sea, Lincolnshire, England, LN12 2SE, United Kingdom