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Offa’s Dyke Association & the Offa’s Dyke Centre

The Offa’s Dyke Association is a volunteer-led membership-based Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No:1203068). Our charitable object: To promote for the public benefit, in the border counties region of England and Wales, the conservation, preservation, protection and understanding of Offa’s Dyke and similar or linked sites and structures of archaeological or historical interest.

We operate the free-to-enter Offa’s Dyke Centre in Knighton, roughly half way along the National Trail, with its expertly curated interpretive displays on Offa’s Dyke, Wat’s Dyke and the Offa’s Dyke Path National Trail. The Centre, which is available for hire as a small conference venue, also has a tea room and souvenir shop.

By choosing to buy your Trail books and maps from us you will be helping to support both the running of the Centre as well as our Conservation Fund for Offa’s Dyke. Along with Cadw and Historic England the Association is actively involved with and supports the Offa’s Dyke Conservation Project.

Our online shop is at https://offasdyke.org.uk/shop

We also run the popular seasonal walkers’ Passport scheme with 12 stamping stations along the Trail with proceeds supporting the Conservation Fund.

We always welcome new members (join online via our website). Become a member, join the discussion and become involved with our projects!

Visit our website (https://offasdyke.org.uk)


Attraction details

Offa's Dyke Centre, Knighton, Powys LD7 1EN, UK