Located near Newlands Corner in Guildford and takes inspiration from the faceted structure of an insect’s eye. Constructed from weathered steel and locally sourced hazel, the spaces between the logs create homes for wildlife while the embedded kaleidoscopes allow visitors to view the landscape in new and beautiful ways. The name Optohedron is derived from the ancient Greek: optikos, “of seeing” and herd “raised seat.”
Located near Newlands Corner in Guildford and takes inspiration from the faceted structure of an insect’s eye. Constructed from weathered steel and locally sourced hazel, the spaces between the logs create homes for wildlife while the embedded kaleidoscopes allow visitors to view the landscape in new and beautiful ways. The name Optohedron is derived from the ancient Greek: optikos, “of seeing” and herd “raised seat.”
Located near Newlands Corner in Guildford and takes inspiration from the faceted structure of an insect’s eye. Constructed from weathered steel and locally sourced hazel, the spaces between the logs create homes for wildlife while the embedded kaleidoscopes allow visitors to view the landscape in new and beautiful ways. The name Optohedron is derived from the ancient Greek: optikos, “of seeing” and herd “raised seat.”

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Located near Newlands Corner in Guildford and takes inspiration from the faceted structure of an insect’s eye. Constructed from weathered steel and locally sourced hazel, the spaces between the logs create homes for wildlife while the embedded kaleidoscopes allow visitors to view the landscape in new and beautiful ways. The name Optohedron is derived from the ancient Greek: optikos, “of seeing” and herd “raised seat.”

Attraction details

Albury, Guildford, Surrey, England, GU4 8SE, United Kingdom