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Scutchamer Knob, also known as Cuckhamsley Hill, is an early Iron Age round barrow adjacent to The Ridgeway. It is said to be the place where King Edwin of Northumbria killed Cwichelm of Wessex in 636AD and, believing it to be Cwichelm's burial place, there were several excavations in the past that left the barrow with its misshapen form. In 1006AD, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states that the Danes marched to this hill in the belief that if they reached it, they would never return to the sea, i.e. they would conquer and settle.
The barrow is privately owned but there is free public access through a metal kissing gate.
Free parking is nearby in an informal car park on The Ridgeway.
Discover more about Scutchamer Knob through the Ridgeway Top 50 Barrows and Bumps, Wartime, Wayside Trees and Shrubs, Sheep and Meeting Places.