We are all winners sculpture
We are all winners sculpture

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This sculpture forms a winner’s podium in the shape of a bench with the engraved words “we are” in Latin, created as a modern monument and homage to pilgrimage.

The overall look is elegant and in keeping with the surroundings, but also subtly references the humorous concept of the start/finish line, which is a great photo opportunity for more than just North Downs Way walkers.

On the side facing the city, the symbol of a pilgrim is engraved and covered with gold leaf.

It functions as a bench with different heights for all ages and disabilities. The ‘seating sculpture’ is a place to relax, reflect, rest and meet loved ones at the now and then very busy seafront, the sculpture also playfully depicts both the present and the ancient world and refers to the sense of achievement we feel after a long walk.

Attraction details

Dover, Kent, England, CT16 1LA, United Kingdom