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An extensive area of native and plantation woodland with car parking, cafe, toilets, all-ability play trail, fitness trail and more. There are waymarked trails for walkers, cyclists and horse riders through Wendover Woods. Enjoy stunning views across the Chiltern Hills, book a BBQ stand and enjoy events throughout the year. Buckinghamshire's highest point lies in the woods on Haddington Hill but the woods conceal the views.
Aston Hill, adjacent to Wendover Woods, hosts a mountain bike park with downhill trails, pump track etc.
There are charges to park in Wendover Woods. For details, see the Forestry Commission website:
For details about Aston Hill which is managed by Forestry England and Bike Park Chilterns CIC, see here:
A footpath links The Ridgeway to Wendover Woods in the south-east part of Wendover Woods.
Discover more about Wendover Woods through the Ridgeway Top 50 Beech is Queen, Highest Hills, Cycling and Trail Running.