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The Pembrokeshire Coast path (PCP) is quite simply amazing and every trail and ultra runner should experience it at least once in your lifetime. As a designated national trail along ‘Britain’s most breath taking coastline’, the path encompasses rugged cliff tops, sheltered coves, wide-open beaches and winding estuaries.
There are 4 race distances to choose from, and all finish in the small harbour village of Dale, Milford Haven.
A 22 mile trail race starting in Newgale (35k / 1300m)
A 31 mile (50k) ultra-marathon starting in St David’s (50k / 1850m)
A 50 mile ultra-marathon starting at Porthgain (80k / 2850m)
A 100 mile ultra-marathon starting in St Dogmeals, Cardigan (160k / 6300m)
Event HQ
The event HQ is at Dale Hill Farm Campsite a former RAF airfield and the base includes the following facilities:-
Camping for competitors and families (caravans and motorhomes also welcome)
Event marquee
Toilets and showers
Food & drink vendors
A breath taking finish line on the cliffs overlooking the coast & Milford Haven
Event parking on hard standing which can accommodate many, many cars!
Easy access to some secret and secluded bays
The Route
All races follow the Pembrokeshire and Wales Coast path
The 100 mile race represents a formidable physical challenge set against a rugged, beautiful backdrop. But be aware, this 100 miler is no tame trail race, and on previous years a highly experienced 100 miler competitor said,
”WOW. RWC you absolute stars. That was the hardest coastal 100miler I have ever done!”
The route has a formidable 6300 meters of ascent and is only suitable for competent and experienced ultra distance runners. Starting at St Dogmeals, just outside Cardigan, it follows some breath taking coastal path running on exposed paths.
The PCP 50mile starts at Porthgain, and is perfect for those wanting a tough challenge. With approximately 2850 meters of ascent, this is also a hilly course, however you will be rewarded with stunning views and fantastic coastal trail running. It is also a great race to bring supporters to as there are numerous beaches, and facilities, and onsite camping at the event base.
The 50k ultra-marathon starts at St Davids and with 1850m ascent is perfect for those wanting to step up the challenge from some of our more gentle routes or those looking for a fast days running on the coast and to be finished in time for the afterparty.
The 22 mile race starts at Newgale beach, and follows the PCP passing numerous bays and cliff tops around with views over to Skomer and Skokholm islands. This race has over 1150m of ascent, but with its generous cut-off times is suitable for anyone wanting to step up for the challenge.
All races give you the opportunity to camp in an exclusive area of Pembrokeshire with your family, running club, or running companions, making it a great place to spend the weekend – whatever distance you decide to take on.