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The Driftwood is a licensed 1930's beachside Cafe and Restaurant alongside the Coast path, with the beach to the front of the cafe and the West Somerset Railway running directly behind it, with the station only 50 metres away. We have seating inside, outside and a sheltered verandah, to suit the weather and seasons.

We are renowned for our breakfast offering served until 3:30pm, our fish and chips and our ice cream Kiosk.  The menu also includes many other options from a children’s sandwich to a Lobster and Crab burger.  If it is just a quick stop, then we have much to offer to drink with either a cream tea or one of our home-made cakes.  

We are at the beginning of the section of the path that runs directly between the beach and the coastal railway track (running both Steam and Diesel trains) with Dunster Castle in the background.    

Please come and visit us and the beautiful countryside surrounding us, and don't worry we are child, dog and muddy walker friendly.  




Service details

Driftwood Cafe, The Seafront, Blue Anchor Bay, Blue Anchor, Minehead TA24 6LD, UK