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Bus stop closest to the end of the Trail at Ivinghoe Beacon. Buses serve Dunstable, Ivinghoe village, Tring, Wendover, Aylesbury, Leighton Buzzard and Bletchley. The last four places have train stations linked to London.
Buses are not frequent so plan ahead and obtain 'real bus times' via the internet or text. Bus services are 61 and 162.
If you are travelling long distances, it is important to note that this is one of three bus stops in the local area - the other two are Ivinghoe village green and Ashridge Monument Drive near Ringshall. The Ivinghoe village bus stop connects to the same places as the Beacon's bus stop but has a third bus service which means buses are more frequent and connects to the nearest train station at Cheddington. The Ashridge bus stop connects to different places - Hemel Hempstead and Berkhamstead, both of which have trains to London and a long distance coach station in Hemel Hempstead.
There is a steep footpath between the top of the hill and the roadside bus stop. There is an alternative route using a nearby bridleway which is less direct and less steep.
Information last updated: 25.06.2020