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A popular pub with locals and holidaymakers alike, the Crown Inn is perched right on the clifftop overlooking the beautiful sandy beaches of Sheringham in Norfolk. Enjoy meals of snacks from our extensive and popular menu with a spectacular view of the seafront.
We sell premium lagers, real ales, bottled beers and specials as well as the usual range of spirits and soft drinks, and throughout the year, we host live music, DJ’s, quizzes, darts and pool matches.
As a member of Norwich Inns, we also run a variety of fundraising events throughout the year to support a local charity. This year’s nominated charity for 2011 is EACH (East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices):, so keep checking our website for news on how much we’ve raised!
With a long history in Sheringham, the current location of the Crown Inn is documented to be it’s second site after a vicious storm claimed the first building in the 1930′s.