Ravenscar cliff shot

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This is one of our short "Miles without Stiles" Routes for Some. It passes through National Trust land, offering coastal scenery at its dramatic best. The views over the sheer cliffs along the southern loop of this route are spectacular. In spring and early summer the hayfield along the cliff edge display a wonderful array of wild flowers.

The walk is about 1 1/2 miles in total.

The maximum slope on this walk is 1:10 over 100 metres.  There are two loops.  The first northern loop is likely to be suitable for people with a pushchair, wheelchair or mobility scooter.  The second loop includes 2 kissing gates restricting access for some.

Path Details

The path is mainly made up of compact earth, short grass, or aggregate, which is a bit rough in places.

The northern loop is fairly level and accessible for mobility scooter users and some wheelchair and pushchair users.  The southern loop, has a short incline of about 1:10 for 100 metres.  This loop also includes 2 kissing gates, so is not suitable for mobility scooter, wheelchair and pushchair users.

Route Details

From Station Square, walk towards the coast and turn left along the Cleveland Way for the southern loop.  A grass path with slight rises and falls continues towards the Raven Hall Hotel. At the great viewpoint turn left away from the cliff top onto the stone track  and left again to follow the old track back towards the tarmac road. Then turn left to return to Station Square.

For the second southern loop of the walk, return to the cliff edge and turn right.

At the seat there is an impressive view down to Blea Wyke. The path is mainly grass or compacted earth. After a short rise turn right through a kissing gate and right again at the second gate to follow the rough stone track back to Station Square.

Nearest Facilities

There is an accessible public toilet on the right hand side as you drive into Ravenscar.

There is food and drink to enjoy at both the Ravenscar Tearooms on Station Square and at the Raven Hall Hotel.  Both of these are accessible for wheelchair users.

Points of Interest

Ravenscar is famous as ‘the resort that never was’. In 1895 developers had plans for a smart holiday resort here, with houses, shops, hotels, formal gardens and a Marine Esplanade alongthe cliff top. However, the developers went bankrupt leaving just one hotel, a few homes, a road and the sewer system built – all of which can be seen on your walk today.

The National Trust Coastal Centre at Ravenscar is well worth a visit, and it is mainly accessible for wheelchairs.

Miles without Stiles Categories

The Miles without Stiles categories are  for 'all', 'many', or 'some' and are  based on gradients and surface conditions. The grades are a guide only, so please weigh up your route choice carefully.

For all

Suitable for everyone, including pushchairs and people operating their own wheelchairs.

Gradient: No more than 1:10

Surface: Tarmac or smooth, compacted stone with a diameter of 10 mm or less. Path width will be a minimum of 1 metre with passing places.

For many

Suitable for assisted wheelchair users and families with more robust, all-terrain type buggies.

Gradient: Existing gradients no more than 1:10, although newly built gradients can be up to 1:8

Surface: The path surface will be rougher stone of 4 cm diameter or less.

For some

Strong and confident wheelchair users and helpers may find routes 'for some' within their abilities. May be suitable for off-road mobility scooters.

Gradient: Gradients are not limited, but slopes greater than 1:8 will have improved surfacing, or handrails.

Surface: There may be some low steps or breaks in the surface up to 10 cm in height. Stone surface material may be up to 10 cm in diameter.

You can find this route and follow on site using OutdoorActive (Ravenscar Accessible Walk)