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This is a short pleasant walk of about 1.2 miles out and back that offers a bit of access along the coastal Cleveland Way, with wonderful views across to Runswick Bay before returning by the same path.
Miles without Stiles Categories
The Miles without Stiles categories are for 'all', 'many', or 'some' and are based on gradients and surface conditions. The grades are a guide only, so please weigh up your route choice carefully.
For all
Suitable for everyone, including pushchairs and people operating their own wheelchairs
Gradient: No more than 1:10
Surface: Tarmac or smooth, compacted stone with a diameter of 10 mm or less. Path width will be a minimum of 1 metre with passing places
For many
Suitable for assisted wheelchair users and families with more robust, all-terrain type buggies
Gradient: Existing gradients no more than 1:10, although newly built gradients can be up to 1:8
Surface: The path surface will be rougher stone of 4 cm diameter or less
For some
Strong and confident wheelchair users and helpers may find routes 'for some' within their abilities. May be suitable for off-road mobility scooters
Gradient: Gradients are not limited, but slopes greater than 1:8 will have improved surfacing, or handrails
Surface: There may be some low steps or breaks in the surface up to 10 cm in height. Stone surface material may be up to 10 cm in diameter
Path surface details and gradients
This walk is a mixture of a smooth aggregate path, which leads from by the Runswick Bay Hotel to the cliff edge and then a grassy, but sometimes a bit rough section that follows the cliff path for a short distance. The gradient is reasonably level with just a few slight rises.
Walk back along the road from the car park and turn right at The Runswick Bay Hotel. Head through the car park and follow the Cleveland Way to the cliff edge and turn left. Follow the path through two fields before returning. There is a bench as you reach the cliff path.
Nearest Facilities
The nearest accessible toilets are at Staithes Top car park. There are refreshments available at Cliffemount Hotel & Runswick Bay Hotel, both near the start of the walk.
Starting Point
Start from the top car park at Runswick Bay, which is Pay & Display
What3Words ///housework.rubble.boat
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You can download and save this route to your smartphone for on site navigation here: OutdoorActive (Runswick Bay Accessible Walk).