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Enjoy a great day of walking starting from the iconic Sutton Bank escarpment.
As it partly uses a cycle route, this walk has been created only for people with a wheelchair, mobility scooter, hand cycle mountain bikes or mountain trikes or similar and anyone accompanying them. For a shorter, easier walk just use the Cleveland Way sections north or south of Sutton Bank.
This 5¼ mile / 8.5km walk uses the Cleveland Way National Trail along the Sutton Bank escarpment, which means you can enjoy outstanding views across the Vale of Mowbray to the distant Yorkshire Dales. It also takes in some of the Sutton Bank ‘Cliff’ cycle route, which winds through the woods and across the fields.
Much of the walk is level, but there are some ups and downs, with maximum gradients of 1:8 for short distances (up to 50 metres) and 1:13 for longer distances (up to 150 metres).
Please be aware that after wet weather some surfaces can be rough or muddy. This includes some of the Cleveland Way stretches along the White Horse Path section that have suffered frost damage.
The Disabled Ramblers rating for this walk is Category 2. Find more details on ratings at
There are accessible toilets and refreshment facilities at Sutton Bank. There is also a café (not accessible but outside seating) and toilet (suitable for those who can weight bear) at the Yorkshire Gliding Club.
Find the full mapping and details for this walk here: OutdoorActive (Sutton Bank Access Circuit)