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This is a short out and back walk of about 1 mile on a quiet stretch of the Cleveland Way at Nettledale, not far from Helmsley.
It is a pleasant saunter through the edge of a woodland, whilst looking out across several ponds, before reaching a small and enchanting glade, where the Cleveland Way crosses the stream on some stepping stones. The walk returns back from here.
The walk follows a stoned track on a fairly level surface, though it can be a little rough in places..
The walk is classified as a Miles without stiles (For Many) route.
The route follows a stone track on a fairly level gradient. The track can be a bit rough in places.
There is a parking area with space for a few cars by the roadside at the start of the walk. Park here and head through the gate into the woodland edge, signed for the Cleveland Way. Follow the track for about half a mile, with nice views across the nearby ponds. Turn round when you reach the opening with the stepping stones.
The nearest accessible toilets are in Helmsley. A number of the cafes in Helmsley, such at The Walled Garden's cafe and Porters are accessible.
Please find the full mapping and details for this walk here: OutdoorActive (Nettledale Accessible Walk)