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The Ashbury Circular Main walk is 7¾ miles (12½ km) with a shortcut reducing it to 6 miles (9½ km) - allow 4 hours (3 hours for shortcut route). The Ashbury Circular Short Walk is 2½ miles (4 km) – allow 1¼ hours
These walks are within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. They start on The Ridgeway and take you through classic chalk countryside with wonderful views of rolling downland and the Thames Valley. They include the attractive spring line village of Ashbury at the foot of the scarp and provide some fascinating historical and natural features to explore.
Terrain and conditions
• Tracks, field paths through arable and pasture, and minor village lanes and footpaths.
• The walk is fairly strenuous with one relatively steep hill up and another down.
• One stile only in a temporary fence. 9 gates. The short walk has no stiles.
• Some paths can be muddy and slippery after rain.
• There may be seasonal vegetation on the route.
We hope you'll enjoy this walk. If you do please consider making a small donation to help us continue to care for the Ridgeway National Trail and provide information about it.