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This walk was developed by Aston Rowant Parish Council. The Trail is stile-free and fully way-marked.
The circular route is 5.3 miles but with the extension to a pub and hotel is 6.2 miles.
The walk begins by Aston Rowant 11th Century Church with its two Romanesque Windows.Church Lane is thought to be part of the London Weye - a route to Oxford used in the Middle Ages. The future Queen Elizabeth 1 passed this way in 1554 when released from the Tower of London and banished to country confinement in Woodstock.The walk then passes along National Trust Juniper Bank and through National Trust Aston Wood. Watch out for Red Kites, Buzzards, Fallow Deer, Muntjac and Bluebells in the Spring; Beech woods planted for the local furniture trade and firewood.
Materials were used for house and roadbuilding from the flint and chalk pits.Natural England Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve with Juniper
Trees, more Red Kites, Buzzards,Nuthatches, Common Spotted Orchid,Chiltern Gentian and many butterflies including the Chalkhill Blue.The extended Trail takes in Lewknor where refreshment may be had at the Leathern Bottle or further along en route back to Aston Rowant, at The Lambert Arms.
We hope you'll enjoy this walk. If you do please consider making a small donation to help us continue to care for the Ridgeway National Trail and provide information about it.