Castles & Coast Way
Castes & Coast Way Booklet Cover

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The full Castles & Coast Way is 13 miles or 21km, but we have divided it into two loops that join in Stogursey.

The Castles loop starts at Nether Stowey Castle and takes you over the hills to Stogursey Castle and church. There are fantastic views inland to the Quantock Hills, west to Exmoor and across the Severn Estuary to Wales.

The Coast loop takes in the England Coast Path between Lilstock and Hinkley Point with stunning views of the Severn Estuary. Turning inland it passes through the old Acland-Hood Estate to Stogursey before returning to the coast through the village of Shurton.

Distance:  13 miles/21km
Duration:  8 hours
Map:  OS Explorer 140: Quantock Hills & Bridgwater
Grade:  Easy to Moderate

Castles & Coast Way Castles & Coast Way: Coast Castles & Coast Way: Castles .GPX Full walk .GPX Coast Loop .GPX Castles Loop