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This circular route is suitable for walkers, cyclists and horse riders at all times of year. The route starts at the National Park car park in Clapham and follows the Pennine Bridleway northwards along Long Lane, with views over Clapham Beck and Ingleborough Cave. This part of the route has approximately 200m (700ft) of ascent. The Pennine Bridleway is followed across dry grassy hillsides, with views of Ingleborough on a clear day, until reaching the edge of Crummack Dale, with vast views over the dale and Thieves Moss. A right turn takes you onto a public bridleway which follows the edge of Crummack Dale along a grassy track and then drops down to the farm at Crummack. The route follows a farm road towards Austwick, until a right turning back on to the Pennine Bridleway along Thwaite Lane to Clapham.
The car park in Clapham has public toilets, and the village has a pub, cafe, and small shops. The public car park is large with plenty of space for horse boxes and trailers. There are also convenient rocks to use as mounting blocks.
Horse riders should be aware that in order to access this route from Clapham you must pass through two tunnels. These tunnels are not lit, and are curved so that they are very dark in the middle. The ground surface is also formed of loose stone. Depending on the confidence of your horse, you may wish to take a torch to light the way through. Some sections of the bridleway along Long Lane are comprised of rough limestone, and others are loose stone. If your horse has sensitive feet you may wish to use hoof boots. The grassy sections in the middle of the route remain dry throughout the year and provide the opportunity for a nice canter!