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6.5 mile (10.5km) circular route is suitable for cyclists (MTBs) and horse riders.
Car parking is at Watersinks car park, close to Malham Tarn.
This is a moderately challenging ride which follows sections of both the Pennine Way and Pennine Bridleway National Trails in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. From the car park, cyclists and horse riders should follow the bridleway across the grassland slightly away from the tarn edge and not follow the Pennine Way. Cyclists and horse riders will join the Pennine Way at the gateway to Malham Tarn Estate where the route follows the track alongside the Tarn. After a short section on minor roads, the route heads uphill across moorland to join the Pennine Bridleway National Trail and on a good day offers stunning views towards both Ribblesdale and Malhamdale. Dropping back down to Langscar Gate the route crosses rough pasture on clear tracks to return to Watersinks car park.
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