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It might only be a shade under 3 miles, but this is a real adventure walk for all the family, with some awe-inspiring views into the bargain. There's a striking panorama of Middlesbrough, the Cleveland plain, Roseberry Topping and Cook's Mounument, and you'll get amazing views both on the outward leg and then - after a stiff, stepped climb - on the return section that follows the Cleveland Way National Trail across Cringle Moor. The start of the trail is in the privately owned Lord Stones Country Park, where there's access to the ancient stone that gives the walk its name - as well as parking, a cafe-restaurant and local produce shop.
- Distance: 2.75 miles (4.4km)
- Duration: 2 hours
- Difficulty: Moderate - its a short walk but it does include a big up and down
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