Whitby Abbey

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Here is a great walk, with the very best of contrasts.  Enjoy the hustle and bustle of beautiful historic Whitby and also head out on the Cleveland Way/King Charles III England Coast Path to escape the crowds and enjoy the wonderful coastal scenery.

This walk takes in The 199 steps , which are a unique attraction in Whitby, luring visitors to make the demanding – yet rewarding! – climb down and up them. It is customary to count the steps as you climb and join the debate as to whether there really are 199 steps. Just try not to lose count...

Whitby is famous for offering a traditional seaside experience and the walk is a great way to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the town and its many attractions.  Arrive on a Goth Weekend and you will be amazed at the incredible site of the visiting Goths and Steampunks.

Explore the ruins of the Abbey. Discover shipwrecks in the harbour. Follow the Dracula story (Whitby is where the boat carrying Dracula runs aground in Bram Stoker’s novel). Try one of the boat trips on offer and make your own discoveries in and around the town.

You might also like to try some of Whitby’s famous kippers from the town’s only surviving traditional kipper house, Fortune’s Smokehouse and Kipper Shop. Here they continue to use smoking, the traditional method for preserving fish.

On your return from the walk - you will be ready for some Fish & Chips!

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The walk is 7 miles in total/11.2 Km