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A 7 miles/ 11km circular walk following sections of The Ridgeway National Trail and the Chiltern Way, through beautiful Chilterns scenery including wooded hills and nature reserves. You will pass some great rural pubs, a windmill and some far-reaching views.
Terrain:A moderate walk on easy but sometimes muddy tracks and along quiet lanes. One easy climb. Total ascent 220m / 720ft
Start & finish:Princes Risborough Library, Bell St, Princes Risborough HP27 0AA
Food & drink:The Whip Inn, Lacey Green and Pink and Lily, Pink Road. Cafés and pubs in Princes Risborough
Maps:OS Explorer 181, Chiltern Society 3 and 7
Parking:Horns Lane Pay & Display Car Park, Horns lane, Princes Risborough HP27 0AW
Local transport:There are various bus services to Princes Risborough including Bus 300 which runs between High Wycombe and Aylesbury all week.
Princes Risborough is also served by mainline trains to London Marylebone, the Midlands and Aylesbury.