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You'll discover a beautiful range of landscapes on this 6 mile walk - whether it’s the undulating clifftops between Sheringham and Weybourne, the sweeping parkland, ancient oak woodland and famous rhododendrons of Sheringham Park, or the quiet marsh, fen and grassland of Beeston Common, this walk has a bit of everything.
Heading between the clifftop path and Sheringham Park you'll also cross the Poppy Line railway - if you're lucky you may even see a steam train chugging past.
The varied habitats that this walk passes through mean it is particularly rich in wildlife. Beeston Common boasts no less than nineteen species of dragonfly and Sheringham Park has three species of deer. Each of these sites has its own website where you can find out lots more information.
At the end of your walk, take some time to explore the characterful seaside town of Sheringham with its independent shops, museums and series of amazing murals along the seafront.