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These walks explore the nature and heritage of Kilve. Follow the Natural History walk to find out more about both the fossils and geology of this important section of coast, the species and habitats which thrive here today and some of the natural remedies and curious folklore linked to their history. Follow the Heritage walk to find out about the local sport of ‘Glatting’, what’s hidden in the crypt of St Mary’s church and why you could never swallow Kilve Pill!
Welcome to the Kilve Storywalks on the England Coast Path. Storywalks offer a skimming stone of facts, myth, history and tales linked to location. Using a smart phone they are designed to be read aloud to family and friends to embellish your experience of the walk. All directions are provided on screen during the walk. For more information about Storywalks download the Storywalks leaflet here.
Start Point: Kilve Beach Car Park, Sea Lane, TA5 1EG
Route: from the car park the Heritage walk begins at the Blessed Virgin Mary's church on Sea Lane heading back towards Kilve, while the Natural History walk begins at the Oil Retort building at the northern end of the car park.
Distance: 0.5 miles/0.6km and 0.4 miles/0.6km
Duration: 1 hour each at an amble
Story: Heritage and Nature
Access: Both trails are on a paved or gravely pathways and are suitable for wheels, a visit to the beach afterwards is made on tracks and grass. The beach itself is pebbles.
Take me to the Natural History trail or Take me to the Heritage trail
These trails have been devised by Christopher Jelley, Kilve Parish Council and the Somerset Wildlife Trust's Somerset’s Brilliant Coast project. Funded by Hinkley C Community Impact Mitigation Fund, the Somerset Wildlife Trust and the National Trust.