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Welcome to the Minehead Parks Arboretum Storywalks. Explore the trees of Minehead Parks through these three walks based on a pamphlet produced by the Exmoor Natural History Society and with generous guidance from Chris Adams a former manager and gardener of The Parks in 2014.
Storywalks offer a skimming stone of facts, myth, history and tales linked to location. Using a smart phone they are designed to be read aloud to family and friends to embellish your experience of the walk. All directions are provided on screen during the walk. For more information about Storywalks download the Storywalks leaflet here.
Start Point: The first of the walks begins at Parkhouse Road, Minehead TA24 8AD, with subsequent walks beginning at the end of the previous one.
Route: from Parkhouse Road the three walks take you through Minehead Parks ending at Bratton Mill Lane.
Distance: three walks of less than 1 mile/1.4km each
Duration: allow 45 minutes at an amble for each walk
Story: Nature
Access: The walks are on level pavements and paths throughout and classed suitable for wheels.
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These walks were created with support from Minehead Bid, Minehead Bay, the Minehead Development Trust, The Minehead Vision Project, and West Somerset District Council