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Early Celtic Christianity is very much in evidence along this stretch of coast, look out for St Justinian's Chapel & Well at Porthstinan, also home to the Lifeboat Station. Porth Clais harbour at the mouth of the River Alun was once the place where goods were brought in for the cathedral in St David's. The cliffs and slabs to the east of the harbour entrance are a popular climbing spot. There are toilets in the car park and a kiosk in the summer, for ice cream or a slice of cake.
The Cliffs around St Justinian's are sheltered from the worst of the wind by Ramsey Island so, as well as a profusion of wild flowers in spring and summer (thrift, squill, thyme, crowsfoot, campion) expect to see blackthorn and privet clinging tenaciously to the cliffs. Maritime heath and grassland occupies most of the more exposed land on the cliff-tops. Grey seals breed on the beaches below from the end of August, though Ramsey itself supports the largest breeding colony in the Park. The extreme force of the tides in Ramsey Sound and the Bitches rapids is due to the meeting of the waters of the Irish Sea and St George's Channel which, luckily for the sea birds and porpoises bring fish to the surface, providing easy pickings when the tide is running. In the marshy areas around Pwll-y-Trefeiddan look our for emperor, hairy and golden-ringed dragonflies and small red and southern damselflies. Sparrowhawks, buzzards and kestrels breed in the willow-scrub and mallard, wideon and teal live on the pond.
Dogs are welcome, but please keep them on leads as livestock are grazing. There is also a risk of people being knocked or stepping off the cliffs in order to get away from your dog, not everyone likes dogs.