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The Stert Peninsula has been internationally recognised as an important site for wintering wildfowl and migratory birds since 1954. Taking in the coastal section of the Somerset Wetlands National Nature Reserve, including Steart Marshes and Bridgwater Bay, these walks offer all round views of the Poldens, Mendips, Exmoor and Brecon Beacons, as well as providing hides and screens for keen bird watchers. Much of the route is also accessible for disabled access.
Once an area of drained, reclaimed land, today it is being returned to its original state as a working wetland and now provides local flood defences, productive farmland, a thriving nature reserve and a carbon sink that contributes to climate change mitigation.
Distance: 3 or 6.5 miles/5 or 10.5km
Duration: 1.5 or 3.5 hours
Map: OS Explorer 140: Quantock Hills & Bridgwater
Grade: Easy