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The Thames Path is currently diverted between Richmond and Kew due to a severe bank collapse. Richmond Council are posting regular updates about the closure on their website, including the following video update posted in February 2025 .
Update on the works to reinstate the towpath between Richmond and Kew
Click here for more information Richmond to Kew towpath works - London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
There is a diversion in place, which follows the north bank of the river along the Thames Path. Go Jauntly has created an easy-to-follow photo guide and map available on their app.
- From Richmond: Cross Richmond Lock and pick up the walk from step 33 on the app.
- From Kew: Cross Kew Bridge and follow the walk in reverse to step 33.
Thames Path North Bank Section 1b on Go Jauntly. Download the app for FREE on the App Store or Play Store.
Cycling: There is no suggested alternative off-road cycle route. Both Kew Road (A307) and Twickenham Road (A316) have cycle lanes and would be the most direct routes.
Thames towpath collapses into river in landslide near Kew Gardens - BBC News